Whether we call them “ministries” or “committees,” these dedicated groups of volunteers do the daily work of the congregation, following policies set by the Board of Trustees. The Council of Ministries coordinates the work of our committees.

The ministries of CVUUS exist to carry out CVUUS’s Purpose Statement. Because the Purpose Statement is a living, breathing document, designed to be continually revisited and revised as appropriate by the Board, the ministries of CVUUS must be flexible enough to be responsive to changing priorities.

See our annual report: 2018-9 CVUUS Annual Report

Board Nomination

Mission: Seek members who want to serve on our Board. From the Bylaws: “Nominations for the Board of Trustees and for board officers will be made by a Board Nominating Committee. The Board Nominating Committee consists of the Vice President of the Board and two members of the congregation (who will not be members of the Board) who are elected at the Annual Meeting. Members of the Board Nominating Committee will serve for two-year terms and may not serve more than two consecutive terms.”

Members: Hannah Sessions, Mike Greenwood, Gordon Gibson, Doug Richards

Canvass Campaign/Stewardship Team

Mission: Solicit pledges toward meeting our budget.

2024: Heidi Sulis, Hannah Sessions, Jean Terwilliger, Steve Maier, Mary Hadley

2023: Kate Gridley & John Barstow

2022 Chair: CVUUS Board

2021 Chairs: Brett Millier and Karl Lindholm

Caring Network

Mission: Provide support, such as calls, visits, meals, and rides to those in need.

Chair:  Kathryn Schloff

Members: Michele Lowy, Dale Birdsall, Ted Scheu, Ginny Ashenfelter, Lynne Balman, Bethany Barry, David Bristol

Library of Things: Kathryn Schloff, Michele Lowy, Artley Wolfson

Let’s Eat Together: Dale Birdsall

FUUDIES: Michele Lowy

Cards: Susan Humphrey

See Caring Network and Lay Pastoral Care.

Communications Team

Mission: Oversee our communication efforts including our website, newsletter, weekly blast, Facebook page, advertising, Front Porch Forum posts and service and event flyers.

Members: Laura Asermily, Jess Danyow, Margy Young, Mary Hadley

Facebook/Instragram Postings: Lise Anderson (formerly Donna Blaszczyk, Carrie Mol)

Website Help: Brian Mason, Margy Levine Young

Weekly Blast: Jess Danyow

Bulletin Board Help: TBD

Worship Directory Ad/Graphics: Caitlin Gildrien, Liam Battjes Greenwood

Order of Service/Newsletter Help:  Laura Ferguson, Martha Fulda, Brett Millier

Tech Team: Margy & Jordan Young, Richard Hopkins, Rich Wolfson, Mary Hadley, Samantha Smith, Dorothy Mammen

Pictures: Kate Gridley, Ellen Flight, Karl Lindholm, Poppy Rees, Kas Singh, Marnie Wood

Year in Review: Rich Wolfson

Donation Ministry (Share-the-Plate)

Mission: Oversee selection of organizations to receive a portion of our weekly service offerings and arrange for their visibility through display and speaking during worship.

Chair: Jean Terwilliger

Members: Avi Freund, Liam Battjes Greenwood, Ash Hickey, seeking others

See Sharing Our Donation Plate.

Facilities Committee

Mission: Ensure the short and long-term maintenance of the buildings and grounds of CVUUS in a manner which will support and contribute to spiritual growth of congregants and staff and which facilitates the Society’s efforts to promote social and environmental justice in our community and the world.

Chair: Bob House

Members: Mitch Kramer, Paul Stone, Llyn Rice, Alan Moore, Seth Gibson, Miles Peterle, Scott Barkdoll, Paul Vaczy, John Stark, David Bristol (Jean T, David D, Neil C, Sue R, Laura A copied)

Art Policy: Kate Gridley

Banner Policy: John Barstow

Blue Jeans Sunday: Bob House

Ground Floor Project: Steve Maier, Jay Harrington, Paul Stone, Llyn Rice, Mitch Kramer, Jean Terwilliger, Artley Wolfson, Marty Kulczyk, Kate Gridley.

Heat Pumps: Lynn Rice, Bob House

Landscape:  Sue Rasmussen, Dinah Smith, Sheila & Bob House, Hilary Hatch, Susie Patterson

Lower Level Use Coordination: Lise Anderson, Miles Peterle, Mike Greenwood

Sanctuary Door Code: Llyn Rice

Sanctuary Upper Windows: Paul Stone

Signage/Lighting/Extinguishers: Mitch Kramer

Snow clearing: Keith Rickerby (formerly Karl Lindholm, Bob House, Ron Hallman, Richard Hopkins, Gayle Muenchow, Alan Moore)

Sound System: Margy Young, Alan Moore, Mitch Kramer

Tech Help: Jordan & Margy Young, Brian Mason, Mary Hadley

Solar Electric: Rich Wolfson

Ventilation System: Bob House

This committee cares for our sanctuary, Fenn House, and grounds. See also Rental of Our Building.

Finance Committee

Mission: Draft and oversee our budget.

Chair: Mary Conlon

Members: Alan Moore, John Berninghausen, Rich Wolfson, Mary Hadley, Ann Webster

Donation Ministry: see above.

Money Counting: Mary Conlon, Brett Millier, Martha Fulda, Steve Butterfield, Janice Sabett, Victoria Cherney, Alan Moore, Mary Hadley, Dale Birdsall

Long Term Financial Health: Doug Richards, Steve M, John Barstow, Kate G, Ann W, Rich W, John B, Mary H

Planned Giving: John Berninghausen, Rich Wolfson, Ann Webster

UU’re Home: seeking leader

Flower Buds

Mission: Coordinate flowers and seasonal decorations for weekly services and special events.

Chairs: Marnie Wood, Dinah Smith

Members: Alice Berninghausen, Chris Murphy, Jess Danyow, Susie Patterson, Revell Allen, Hilary Hatch, Louise Cadwell, Kimberli Gray

Flowers: Catie Raishart’s Foxglove Farm, Revell Allen’s CSA

December Decorating: Kathryn Schloff (tree/ inside wreath), Chris Murphy or Alice Berninghausen (outside peace wreath)


Alan Moore, Carol Harden, Marnie Wood, Kate Gridley, Abi Sessions, John Barstow,  Mitch Kramer,  Lise Anderson, Revell Allen, Lise Anderson, Miles P, Alice Berninghausen, Dorothy Mammen, Mike Greenwood, Anne Christie, Allison Cutler, Becky Strum, Janice Sabett, Hannah Sessions

Leadership Development Team

Mike Greenwood, Colleen Brown, John Barstow

Library & Information Resources

Mission: Acquire, organize and promote access to our congregation’s library, book sale cart, and other information resources.

Chair: Artley Wolfson

Members: Lise Anderson, Susie Davis Patterson, Ellen Flight (book covers), Bobbi Loney (children’s books), Sheila House (CUUK books),  Ann Ross (history, archives)

See The CVUUS Library.

Middlebury College UU Students

Currently Elio Farley, Kai Fukuda, others. Formerly Tyler McDowell, Allie Izzard, Sky (Celeste Allen), Aida O’Brien

Music Ministry Team

Mission: Oversee music for worship and special events or venues.

Carol Harden, Revell Allen, Jen Cohen, Chris Murphy, Lynne Balman, Ben Long (Kate Gridley and Poppy Rees copied)

Choir: Steve Maier, Priscilla Bremser, Revell Allen, Larry Vanderburgh, Dale Birdsall, Brett Millier, Carol Harden, Rosalie Cryan, Neil Chippendale, Janie Wulff, Anne Christie, Chris Murphy, Marjorie Carsen, Kate Gridley, John Barstow, Martha Fulda, Marnie Wood, Ginny Ashenfelter, Ann Webster, Dee Carroll, Jean Terwilliger, Avi Freund, Joan Soper, Liam Battjes Greenwood, Kimberli Gray, Ash Hickey, Laurie Mayville, Andrea Sambrook, Kai Fukuda, Samala Rubin

Pastoral Care

Mission: Provide temporary counseling support to members and friends in various kinds of distress.

See Caring Network and Lay Pastoral Care.


Mission: Provide oversite and policy with regard to hiring practices, benefits, salaries, and conflict resolution.

Chair: Gordon Gibson

Members: Ann Webster, seeking others

Religious Exploration Council

Mission: The RE Council, working collaboratively with the Director of Religious Exploration (DRE) with a sense of joint vision, will organize and oversee a Religious Exploration program for children and youth that is aligned with the congregation’s Mission Statement, Purpose Statement, and the Unitarian Universalist Values.

Chair: TBD

Nursery Care: Open but unstaffed

Coordinated, overseen by the Director of Religious Education

  • Religious exploration programs for children
  • Youth programs
  • Nursery

See Lifespan Learning at CVUUS.

Rhubarb Festival

Mary Hadley, Lise Anderson, Sheila House, Gayle Muenchow, Elizabeth Golden, Chippendales, Vanderburghs, Brett Millier, Dinah Smith, Sue Rasmussen, Kathryn Schloff, Martha Soderberg, Michele Lowy, Mary & Peter Conlon, Jean Terwilliger

Safety Team

Chair: Alan Moore

Members: Will Porter, Mike Greenwood, Laura Asermily (Richard Hopkins, Dr. Paul Seward and Dr. Morris Earle and Poppy Rees consulted as needed on health matters)

Board’s COVID 19 Policy Advisory Team: Rev. Barnaby, Will Porter, Priscilla Bremser, Kerri Duquette-Hoffman, Jean Terwilliger

Sangha (Meditation Group)

Dinah Smith, Colleen Brown, Van Van Order, Bobbie Carnwath, Tracey Harrington.

Service Auction (Radical Love Exchange)

Mike & Liam Greenwood, Mary Hadley & Priscilla Bremser, Donna B, Terry Racich, Lise Anderson, Connie Leach & Chris Prickitt have been previously involved.

Small Group Ministry

Mission: Deepen and broaden personal spiritual growth by meeting in small groups of 8-10 members at each others’ homes or CVUUS, usually once every month to focus on a spiritual or religious topic.

Chair: needed

Doug Richards, Dinah Smith, Alan Moore, Helene Vanderburgh

See Small Group Ministry.

Retirement Group: Dinah Smith

Residence at Otter Creek GrUUp:  Mary Lou Bright

Cingles (dormant): Revell Allen, Monty Montgomery

Social Justice Action

Interfaith Affordable Housing: Mike Greenwood, Jean Terwilliger (Tiny House), Laura Asermily, Scott Barkdoll, Ellen Flight (Homeshare), Abi Sessions (Homeshare), Mike Small (ADUs), Rebecca Burton, Laurie Mayville, Lise Anderson

CVUUS Charter House Dinner (2nd Mon of month) and Lunch (2nd Wed of month): Alan Moore, Revell Allen, Sheila House, Michele Lowy, Alice Berninghausen, Carol Harden, Gayle Muenchow, Mary Conlon, Sue Grigg, Barbara Merz, Gail Borden, Kathryn Schloff, Andrew Menkart, Morris Earle, Lynne Balman, Jean Terwilliger

CVUUS Community Supper Cookies (4th Friday of month): all of above. Kathryn Schloff, Alan Moore, Abi Sessions have coordinated an annual meal of shepherds pie and apple crisp often provided Dec/Jan but not during COVID. Resumed one on June 16.

MOSAIC/DEI: Tom Morgan, Mike Greenwood

CVUUS Climate Engagement: Lise Anderson, Steve Maier, Jean Terwilliger, Richard Hopkins, Laura Asermily, others (formerly green Sanctuary Team)

Food Shelf Donations: seeking leader

Foster Care: Tom Morgan, Greenwoods, Youngs

Habitat for Humanity: Bob House, Dale Birdsall, Alan Moore

Homelessness: Kathryn Schloff

Hospice/End of Life: Marnie Wood

Hunger Council liaison: Tom Morgan

Indigenous People: Liam Battjes Greenwood, Mike Greenwood

CVUUS Meals on Wheels: Monday UU team: Mary Conlon, Mike Greenwood (sub), Bob House, Alan Moore, Ted Scheu. Other routes: Barbara Merz, Bethany Barry, Van.

LGBTQIA+: Jordan Young, Ollie Cultrara, Elio Farley

CVUUS Migrant Worker Solidarity/ Mexican Consulate: Lise Anderson, Alan Moore, Laura Asermily, Miles Peterle, Chris Murphy, Mary Saudade, Alice Berninghausen, Neily Jennings

Open Door Clinic: Heidi Sulis, Alice B, Alan M

Peace Day: Rich Hennessey, Donna B

CVUUS Race in America Book Group: Mike Greenwood, Jean Terwilliger

RE Program: Poppy Rees

Refugee Resettlement: Abi Sessions

SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice): Joanna Colwell, Kathy Comstock, Caitlin Gildrien, Esther Charlestin, Francois Clemmons, Poppy Rees

Atria Collective (formerly known as WomenSafe) (personal care item collection): Dottie Nelson

Transition Team

Jean Terwilliger, Avi Freund, Priscilla Bremser, Ben Long

Welcoming Team (Fellowship/Membership)

Mission: Welcome congregants, guests and newcomers and enroll members. Provide snacks and beverages for worship services.

Welcoming Team: Mike Greenwood, Mary Hadley, Martha Fulda, Lise Anderson, Tom Morgan, Marnie Wood, Ginny Ashenfelter

Welcoming Hosts:  Mike Greenwood, Avi Freund, Helene Vanderburgh, Brett Millier, Dinah Smith, Jean Terwilliger, Morgans, Rebecca Burton, Mike Small, Marnie Wood, Bill Sessions, Lise Anderson, Anne Christie

Hospitality: Alan Moore, Mike Greenwood, Donna B, Julie & Neil Chippendale, Gayle Muenchow, Margy Young, Ollie Cultrara, Ann Webster, John Barstow and Pat Schmitter have helped as needed.

See Become a Member.

Writing Group

Bobbi Loney

Worship and Worship Team

Mission: Provide the congregation with varied, coherent services that are spiritually deep as well as intellectually, existentially, and morally challenging.

Interim Ministers: Rev. Tricia Hart and Rev. Christina Silliari

Community Minister / Ministerial Intern: Tom Morgan

Music Director: Jen Cohen

Director of Religious Exploration / many Times for All Ages: Poppy Rees

Worship Team Chair: Abi Sessions

Worship Associates: Karl Lindholm, Becky Strum, Liam Battjes Greenwood, Elyse Singh, Pam Berenbaum, Ellen Flight

Tech Team: Margy Young, Richard Hopkins, Rich Wolfson, Mary Hadley, Dorothy Mammen, Liam Battjes, Sam Smith

Sound: Alan Moore, Margy Young, Mary Hadley

Zoom host social hour: Steve Butterfield

See our Worship page.