Speaker: Becky Strum

What Does Love Require of Us?

ON SITE & ZOOM. Led by Rev. Tricia assisted by Becky Strum. We’re exploring Soul Matter’s theme of invitation throughout worship, small group ministry and religious exploration and sharing our offering plate with Oxfam for Gaza Relief. Stay for social hour in Fellowship Hall.   See a recording here:      

Empathy, Community, & Centering through Theater Arts

ON SITE ONLY (no zoom).  Part of our Spirituality & the Arts summer worship with guest speakers leading us into deeper reflection. Two young CVUUS folks, Elyse Singh and Asa Baker-Rouse, reflect on their spiritual journeys through the theatre arts. They illustrated their thoughts, insights and feelings through dramatic literature and song. With Becky Strum. … Continue reading Empathy, Community, & Centering through Theater Arts

Of Memory and Imagination

Stories, poems, and songs from the times of our country’s wars – to commemorate Memorial Day, and all those whose lives have been changed, and lost. Led by Rev. Tricia with Becky Strum. We’ll share our offering with Gather, Middlebury’s community living room. More Rhubarb Festival preparations follow. Join the fun! See worship details here: … Continue reading Of Memory and Imagination

New Beginnings

Cold and darkness may still surround us, but the calendar declares a new year has begun. Most of us get lots of opportunities to begin anew in our lives. Of course, we’re always free to move past any chance to start over, to try again, to grow into new possibilities. We can hang onto the … Continue reading New Beginnings

Thresholds as a Gift

ON SITE & ZOOM. Rev. Barnaby reflects on how being in transition can be a time of abundant gifts as well as anxiety for us as a community as well as individually assisted by Becky Strum with our Choir. The House Band played selections by Vince Guaraldi from A Charlie Brown Christmas! Followed by our Radical Love … Continue reading Thresholds as a Gift

Children Will Listen: The Humanity and Spirituality in the Music of Stephen Sondheim

In our Sanctuary (no Zoom). Led by Becky Strum with Stephen Rainville & Cathy Walsh singing and accompanied by Ronnie Romano. We shared our plate with Vermont Adult Learning.  This service was not recorded, but you can see details below. About Cathy Walsh Having been in the right place at the right time, Cathy Walsh … Continue reading Children Will Listen: The Humanity and Spirituality in the Music of Stephen Sondheim

Change through Theater

IN OUR SANCTUARY & ON ZOOM. Theatre at its best is a collective, spiritual experience. It is church for the heart and mind. It helps us form opinions and gain insight into the lives of our fellow humans. Becky Strum was joined by Melissa Lourie, Middlebury Acting Company’s Artist Director and actors Karen Lefkoe and … Continue reading Change through Theater

Theatre in this Time

What is the role of theatre in this time of pandemic with its spotlight on systemic racism? Becky Strum and friends “hold a mirror up to nature” through music and a zoom-staged play reading. A Spirituality & the Arts summer worship service. Join fellow congregants to participate in the service at https://zoom.us/my/cvuusservice/ Order of Service … Continue reading Theatre in this Time

Now Let Us Sing

Becky Strum led us in singing some of our favorite hymns and David Rosenberg led in some shape note singing. Breath in—rejoice! Chalice Lighting As the Cold Wind Bites By Ben Soule (adapt. Rev. Barnaby Feder) As the wild wind bites, this flame warms us. As the crackling cold air stops our breath, This radiant … Continue reading Now Let Us Sing