When Do We Reopen Church… for Hugs?

Rev. Barnaby reflects on our congregation’s role as a unique source of comfort and love bursting beyond nuclear family boundaries. How do we square strict observation of social isolation policies with that vital part of our mission?  You will be able to join via Zoom or just watch here.

Or watch directly on YouTube

Order of Service

Prelude: Chuck Miller on piano with visual montage by Margy Young

Songs: Winds Be Still sung by Kate Gridley and How Can I Keep from Singing (video)

Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Jason Duquette-Hoffman, Worship Associate

Call to Worship & Chalice Lighting  Jason Duquette-Hoffman

Time for All Ages: Poppy Rees, dir. Religious Exploration

Honoring the Children in Song: Let Us Open Our Eyes   Poppy Rees

Offering: Today’s offering will be shared with Vermont Natural Resources Council VNRC. Contributions can be made at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby Feder. Future ones can be shared at


Prayer & Meditation: Rev. Barnaby Feder

Music: Lean on Me Tribute by Chuck Miller with visual montage by Lucy Tenenbaum

Reading: Jason Duquette-Hoffman

Reading: The Hug by Tess Gallagher   Jason Duquette-Hoffman

Sermon: When Do We Reopen Church…for Hugs? Rev. Barnaby

Music: As Tranquil Streams

As tranquil streams that meet and merge

And flow as one to seek the sea,

Our kindred hearts and minds unite

To build a church that shall be free.

Free from the bonds that bind the mind

To narrow thought and lifeless creed,

Free from a social code that fails

To serve the cause of human need.

A freedom that reveres the past,

But trusts the dawning future more;

And bids the soul, in power of love,

Adventure boldly and explore.

Prophetic church, the future waits

Your liberating ministry;

Go forward in the power of love,

Proclaim the truth that makes us free.

Benediction & Extinguishing the Chalice: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude: Spring Has Now Unwrapped the Flowers   Kate Gridley on piano with visual montage by our Flower Co-op

Thanks to our “Stream Team” Margy & Jordan Young, Richard Hopkins, Lucy Tenenbaum, Kate Gridley, and Rich Wolfson.

Thank you for joining us for worship!

Stay Connected!

Follow us on Facebook CVUUSVT for future updates on our Sunday morning worship services.  Sign up for our e-weekly blast news at office@cvuus.org. Request a virtual visit with Rev. Barnaby at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/form/VirtualVisit.