Animal Lives: Celebration and Lessons

ZOOM ONLY. Rev. Barnaby reflected on what animal behavior and intelligence teaches us about how to relate spiritually and emotionally to anything we consider as “other” to us. Poppy led our Time for All Ages in which we lit candles and blessed the animals who were or are part of our lives Jess Danyow, a CVUUS congregant and Homeward Bound Exec Dir., gave a testimonial. Watch a  recording of the service here.

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement

Prelude:  Ronnie Romano, Director of Music

Welcome:  Karl Lindholm

Call to Worship:  Karl Lindholm

Chalice Lighting: Karl Lindholm

May the light of this chalice give light

and warmth to our community,

when we are joyful and when we despair.

And may we feel the warmth spread

from our circle

to wider and wider circles,

until all know they belong

to the one circle of life.

By Betsey Darr

Time for All Ages: Blessing the Animals in Our Lives   Poppy Rees, Dir. of Religious Exploration

Offering:  We’ll collect for UNICEF vaccination efforts. All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby

Prayer/MeditationRev. Barnaby

Music: The Lone, Wild Bird #15   Ronnie Romano

Testimony: Significant Strangers  Jess Danyow, Homeward Bound Exec Dir.

Reading: Karl Lindholm

Sermon: Adventures in Otherness: A Reflection on Animal Intelligence  Rev. Barnaby

Music: We Celebrate the Web of Life #175   Ronnie Romano

Benediction: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude:   Ronnie Romano

Credits: Thanks to our worship associate Karl Lindholm, Jess Danyow for her testimonial and Mary Hadley, Poppy Rees & Rich Wolfson for technical support.

Thank you for joining us for worship!

Join us for Zoom Coffee Hour to say hello. Come in early at 10 to watch the service.  Login at Install Zoom on your phone, if not already installed.  Type “” into the box at the top of your browser window(Chrome, Safari, Explorer etc).    Or — Open Zoom — it should open on the “Meet and Chat” screen.  Click on “Join”.  On the next screen click on “Join with a personal link name”.  Type “cvuusservice” into the Personal Link Name box.

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