Writers in Our Midst

In our Sanctuary (no Zoom). Bobbi Loney, Dee Carroll and Marnie Wood presented some of their writing and reflected on the process and the meaning and spiritual value of writing. Chuck Miller on piano. We shared our plate with New Community Project.

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement  

Welcome & Pathways to Connection:  Ann Webster, Worship Associate

Prelude: Chuck Miller

Call to Worship: Ann Webster

Chalice Lighting: Ann Webster

Each morning we must hold out the chalice of our being to receive, to carry, and give back.

Hymn: We Laugh, We Cry (Gray #354)

Time for All Ages:  If my dead white pine tree could talk…   Dee Carroll

Offering:  We’ll share our collection with New Community Project. Please write all checks to CVUUS. All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Offering Music: Chuck Miller

Receiving the Offering:   From You I Receive (Gray #402)

Milestones & Passages: Ann Webster

Meditation: Ann Webster

Writing and Reflection: Marnie Wood

Hymn: Now Let Us Sing (Gray #368)   Chuck Miller

Writing and Reflection: Bobbi Loney

Hymn: Spirit of Life (Gray #123)   Chuck Miller

Extinguishing the Chalice:  Ann Webster

Each morning we must hold out the chalice of our being to receive, to carry, and give back.

Postlude: Chuck Miller

Credits: Thanks to our guest speakers Bobbi Loney, Dee Carroll and Marnie Wood; Richard Hopkins for sound help; Flower Co-op for seasonal arrangements; Mike Greenwood and Alan Moore for overseeing safety, sound, and social hour and Avi Freund and others who helped set up, usher, and greet.

Thank you for joining us for worship!