Essential Tools for the Times #1: Depolarizing

ON SITE & ZOOM. Rev. Barnaby led us on ways of seeing how we can do this, assisted by Abi Sessions with a prelude of wonderful piano playing by Ronnie Romano accompanied by fun slide show of our Pride Parade participation. We shared our plate with Campaign Legal Center. Children began in worship and then went to Fenn House for the start of new Religious Exploration groups.

Watch the service video here:

Order of Service

*Indicates that congregation participates

Land Acknowledgement:   Abi Sessions, Worship Associate

Welcome:  Abi

Pathways to Connection: Rev. Barnaby

*Gathering Song: Building Bridges (Teal #1023)  Ronnie Romano, Music Dir.

Call to Worship: Donna Blaszczyk, Worship Associate

*Chalice Lighting: Donna

May this flame kindle cherished memories,

Spark gratitude for the blessing of community,

And wash us in the light of life-giving Love.

Time for All Ages: Poppy Rees, Dir. of Religious Exploration

*Singing the Kids to RE: This Little Light of Mine

Offering:  We’ll share our collection with Campaign Legal Center. Please write all checks to CVUUS. All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at

*Receiving the Offering:  Come, Sing a Song with Me (Gray #346)

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby

Meditation:  Rev. Barnaby

*Hymn: Filled with Loving Kindness (Teal # 1031) Ronnie

Reading:  Donna

A Litany of Atonement

by Rev. Robert Eller-Isaacs; music by Les Kleen

*Sung Response:  We Begin Again in Love (Teal #1037

Sermon: Forgiveness in a Polarized World  Rev. Barnaby

*Hymn: We Laugh We Cry (Gray # 354) Ronnie

Closing Words:   Rev. Barnaby

Postlude:   Ronnie

Credits: Thanks to Donna Blaszczyk and Abi Sessions for assisting with worship; Richard Hopkins for tech help; Chris Murphy for seasonal arrangements; Mike Greenwood, Alan Moore, Brett Millier and all those who stepped in to help with greeting, safety, and social hour.

Thank you for joining us for worship!

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