New Ways to Listen to MLK

Led by Rev. Barnaby. Dr. Francois S. Clemmons sang Precious Lord and our Choir sang Love Will Guide Us, A Fierce Unrest and Let Freedom Span Both East and West. Watch a recording of the service posted here. Followed by our Congregational Conversation via CVUUS Zoom in place of the social coffee hour on how to continue our work dismantling systemic racism which is the heart of the newly proposed 8th principle of Unitarian Universalists. Join the CVUUS Race in America book group in discussing Caste on 4th Wed of month Jan through April via Zoom at 7 pm starting Jan 26.

No live streaming of the service on You Tube, but you can watch a recording of it posted on You Tube and later and in next week’s Blast.

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement

Prelude:  Ronnie Romano, Director of Music

Welcome:  Becky Strum

Call to Worship:  Dark Testament Verse 8 (by Pauli Murray)  Becky Strum

Hope is a crushed stalk

Between clenched fingers

Hope is a bird’s wing

Broken by a stone.

Hope is a word in a tuneless ditty —

A word whispered with the wind,

A dream of forty acres and a mule,

A cabin of one’s own and a moment to rest,

A name and place for one’s children

And children’s children at last . . .

Hope is a song in a weary throat.

Give me a song of hope

And a world where I can sing it.

Give me a song of faith

And a people to believe in it.

Give me a song of kindliness

And a country where I can live it.

Give me a song of hope and love

And a brown girl’s heart to hear it.

Chalice Lighting: For Our Collective Liberation  Becky Strum

We light this chalice—symbol of our faith alive in this world—
naming our vision of collective liberation,
and daring to re-member each other into beloved community.

By Deanna Vandiver

Music: Love Will Guide Us (Gray #131)  CVUUS Choir

Time for All Ages:  Poppy Rees, Dir. of Religious Exploration

Offering:  We’ll collect for UNICEF vaccination efforts. All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at

Song: Precious Lord   Dr. Francois S. Clemmons

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby

Prayer/MeditationRev. Barnaby

Music: A Fierce Unrest (Gray #304)  CVUUS Choir

Reading: Becky Strum

Sermon: New Ways to Listen to MLK  Rev. Barnaby

Music: Let Freedom Span Both East and West (Gray #148) CVUUS Choir

Benediction: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude:   Ronnie Romano

Credits: Thanks to our worship associate Becky Strum, our Choir and Francois Clemmons for singing and Richard Hopkins, Abi Sessions & Rich Wolfson for technical support.

Thank you for joining us for worship!