Speaker: Rev. Tricia Hart

Taking Care of What You Love

Love is fundamental in human experience. That basic truth doesn’t mean we all understand love’s power in the same ways, however. What you loved as a child can grow and change into something more as a grown-up member of communities. How do we … read more.

Love in Action!

Now that spring has finally arrived, it’s time to consider what to plant for the seasons to come. This is true for our gardens… and also for this evolving religious community. What are CVUUS’ guiding values, and how are they changing? What do … read more.

Practicing Resurrection

 It’s Easter and spring(ish) and there is so much wrong in the world. As people of values and faith, our work is to call out injustice, protest inequity, refuse to give in to lies or fear. Resistance also means choosing believe in ourselves … read more.

Putting Love at the Center

As you know by now, UUA (that’s us!) is engaged in a process of reviewing and updating the foundational statement that says what UUism is, in our time.  In a characteristically UU way, we are being invited to help determine language that captures … read more.

Love & Money

ON SITE & ZOOM. We all know how important love is (or how important we want it to be) in our lives. As Unitarian Universalists, we proclaim love as a guiding principle in all of our choices…and sometimes we can even live that way. … read more.

Looking Back, Looking Forward

This year of change and experimentation marks a new chapter in the ongoing story of CVUUS. Meanwhile, the evolving institution of Unitarian Universalism is also moving into a different time, as the work and role of “organized” religion is questioned from all directions. … read more.

Into the Darkness, Light

Rev. Tricia reflected on centuries-old celebrations of light in this season of Solstice – the darkest time of the year. Why it matters to light a fire, hang sparkly lights, or gather with friends to bring warmth and joy into the cold and sadness that … read more.


ON SITE & ZOOM. Advent is a season of waiting, and of mystery. Rev. Tricia will talk about the power of curiosity and imagination as we wait. Poppy, our Dir. of Religious Exploration, and our kids will decorate our holiday tree, along with all … read more.

Opening to a New Way

Opening to a New Way.  Change is hard. There’s way too much uncertainty in the world as it is — why should we invite in more? The answers have a lot to do with freedom, inspiration, and learning to grow, together.

During the service, we recognized … read more.