Podcast: Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society

Putting Love at the Center

As you know by now, UUA (that’s us!) is engaged in a process of reviewing and updating the foundational statement that says what UUism is, in our time.  In a characteristically UU way, we are being invited to help determine language that captures what our religion is about… which is as close as we get … Continue reading Putting Love at the Center

Between Memory and Hope

“Beloved Community” is a term of art that we UUs use sometimes to characterize religious communities. What’s it supposed to mean? Where did it come from? Beloved of or by whom? Are you “in” or “out”? How can one be sure? Should it even apply to our UU congregations; and what, by the way, has … Continue reading Between Memory and Hope

Universalism: The Heart of Our Faith

Are you a Universalist? Rev. Christina helped us explore the history and theology of Universalism and how relevant and necessary it is today. We are sharing our offering with Black Church Food Security in honor of Black History month. See worship details here: February 11 Order of Service See a recording here:  

Love & Money

ON SITE & ZOOM. We all know how important love is (or how important we want it to be) in our lives. As Unitarian Universalists, we proclaim love as a guiding principle in all of our choices…and sometimes we can even live that way. Money is another very strong influence in our lives (whether we … Continue reading Love & Money

Looking Back, Looking Forward

This year of change and experimentation marks a new chapter in the ongoing story of CVUUS. Meanwhile, the evolving institution of Unitarian Universalism is also moving into a different time, as the work and role of “organized” religion is questioned from all directions. So, how are we doing? What’s going well? Where are the surprises? … Continue reading Looking Back, Looking Forward

The Politics of Time

Led by Abenaki leader Vera Sheehan (they/them), lecturer on Abenaki language and culture at Middlebury College, who reflected on the racial politics and environmental ethics of how we tell time. We’ll be sharing our offering with our UUA affiliate DRUUMM (Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries. Assisted by Liam Battjes-Greenwood See worship details here: OOS Jan … Continue reading The Politics of Time

Practicing Death

We know that there’s one thing we can count on in this life: that it will end! How can we prepare for this, and know that we’re not alone in the journey? Through looking at religious and cultural perceptions of death and our personal relationship with death we explore what it means to practice dying … Continue reading Practicing Death

New Beginnings

Cold and darkness may still surround us, but the calendar declares a new year has begun. Most of us get lots of opportunities to begin anew in our lives. Of course, we’re always free to move past any chance to start over, to try again, to grow into new possibilities. We can hang onto the … Continue reading New Beginnings

Christmas Eve UU Service The Light of Jesus (6:30 pm)

ON SITE & ZOOM. Through the gospel, music, stories and poetry we explored the light of Jesus and the meaning of Christmas. Led by Rev. Christina Sillari. Donations collected for CVUUS Discretionary Fund dispersed in collaboration with HOPE. Ended with the traditional lighting of candles and singing of Silent Night. See worship details here: Pre-Service … Continue reading Christmas Eve UU Service The Light of Jesus (6:30 pm)