
Rev. Barnaby led us on a “Nature walk” looking for species of heroism we often don’t notice, with readings from our Hymnal as his guidebook. We collected for Honor the Earth as Share the Plate donee for Nov. Coffee hour followed in Fellowship Hall. View a recording of the service here.

Order of Service

Entire service indoors (please mask AND distance).

Bell: Land Acknowledgement

Prelude Music:  Ronnie Romano, Music Dir

Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Julia Chant, Worship Associate

Call to Worship We Bid You Welcome

Chalice Lighting

Superheroes by Cynthia Landrum

Mindful that

With great powers comes great responsibility,

We light this chalice in the hopes that

In the brightest day, in the darkest night,

Our faith will

Flame on!

-Spiderman, Green Lantern and the Human Torch

(compiled by Cynthia Landrum)

Honoring the Children in Song: Spirit of Life (gray # 123)

Story for All Ages: Rev. Barnaby

Offering:  Our donee is Honor the Earth. Contributions can be made as https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby. Those on zoom may enter theirs in chat. Future ones can be shared at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/form/YellowCard

Prayer/Meditation: Rev. Barnaby

Music: Oh Ye Who Taste That Love Is Sweet (gray #296)  CVUUS Choir

Readings: Julia Chant

Sermon: Heroes  Rev. Barnaby

Music: Faith of the Larger Liberty (gray #287)   CVUUS Choir

Benediction: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude: Tickling Toes by Florence Price  Ronnie Romano

Credits:  Thanks to our worship associate Julia Chant; our choir;  Richard Hopkins, Margy Young, Becky Strum, Sherman LaRose and Abi Sessions for technical support; Marnie Wood for fall arrangements; Mike Greenwood all who helped set up, usher, greet and provide hospitality.

Thank you for joining us for worship!

