What’s New in Indigenous Wisdom

ON SITE & ZOOM. Rev. Barnaby reflected on the wisdom available to all of us in the Indigenous Peoples’ slogan “We’re still here!” How do we embrace that demand for recognition when so few of us have personal relationships with relatives or neighbors who claim this heritage? We shared our offering with the Brigid Alliance in support of Reproductive Civil Rights.


Order of Service

*indicates the congregation participates

Land Acknowledgement:   Ellen Flight, Worship Associate

Welcome & Pathways to Connection:  Ellen

*Gathering Song: Ronnie Romano, Music Dir. & Choir

Call to Worship: Ellen

*Chalice Lighting: 

May this flame kindle cherished memories

Spark gratitude for the blessing of community,

And wash us in the light of life-giving love.

Time for All Ages: Poppy Rees, Dir. of Religious Exploration

Singing the Kids Out: This Little Light of Mine

Offering:  We’ll share our collection with the Brigid Alliance. Please write all checks to CVUUS. All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Offering Music: Ronnie

Receiving the Offering:   From You I Receive (Gray #402)

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby

Meditation: Rev. Barnaby

*Music:    Choir

Reading: Ellen

Sermon: What’s New in Indigenous Wisdom    Rev. Barnaby

Music:    Choir

Closing Words:  Rev. Barnaby

Postlude: Ronnie

Credits: Thanks to Ellen Flight for assisting with worship; our Choir for music; XX for seasonal arrangements; and all who stepped up to help with tech, ushering, greeting, safety, and social hour.

Thank you for joining us for worship!

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