Space, Time, and Generosity

Rev. Barnaby reflected on what science and reason have to say about generosity. We collected for First Parish in Portland ME and heard special music from them as well as All of Us Are Loved by our CVUUS Choir, Lucy Tenenbaum, dir.

Order of Service

Preservice slideshow with new music played by Ronnie Romano

Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land   Julia Chant, Worship Associate

Prelude: Ronnie Romano

Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Julia Chant

Call to Worship: Religion by Vincent Silliman   Julia Chant

Music: All of Us Are Loved by Amanda Udis-Kessler Spanish lyrics Abraham Ellis   CVUUS Choir, Lucy Tenenbaum, dir. (soloists Carol Harden, Priscilla Bremser and Janie Wulff)

Time for All Ages: Poppy Rees. Dir. of Religious Exploration

Offering: Today’s offering will be for First Parish in Portland ME. Contributions can be made at

Music: I Hear Them All   First Parish in Portland Folk Group

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby. Future ones can be shared at


Reading: Genesis 18:1-8 (excerpted)  Julia Chant

Sermon:  Space, Time, and Generosity  Rev. Barnaby

Music: Spirit of Life

Benediction: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude: Ronnie Romano

Thanks to our “Stream Team” Rich Wolfson and Richard Hopkins, CVUUS Choir for their anthem, and Abi Sessions for leading zoom coffee hour.