Sabbatical: The Vacation Designed by God?

IN OUR SANCTUARY & ON ZOOM. Rev. Barnaby shared his plans and goals for his four-month sabbatical beginning April 1 and welcomed questions and advice. He also lead us in our unique Mud Communion during the Time for All Ages. Music was provided by one of our favorite guest pianists, Tim Guiles. Watch a recording of the service posted on You Tube here.

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement  Esther Thomas

Hymn: Come, Come Whoever You Are (Gray #188)   Tim Guiles

Welcome and Pathways to Connection: Esther Thomas

Call to Worship: Esther Thomas

Chalice Lighting: Esther Thomas

Community is the spirit, the guiding light of the tribe, whereby people come together in order to fulfill a specific purpose, to help others fulfill their purpose, and to take care of one another.   Sobonfu Some

Time for All Ages: Mud Communion   Rev. Barnaby, Esther Thomas, Julia Chant

Hymn: When I am Frightened (Teal #1012)  Tim Guiles

Offering:  We’ll share our collection today and this month with Planned Parenthood of Middlebury. All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at

Offering Music:  Tim Guiles

Receiving the Offering From You I Receive (Gray #402)

Testimonial Neily Jennings and Connor Timmons

Milestones & Passages:  Rev. Barnaby


Music: Tim Guiles

Readings: Esther Thomas

Sermon:  Ask Me in Four Months!  Rev. Barnaby

Hymn: Though I May Speak (Gray #34) Tim Guiles

Benediction:  Rev. Barnaby

Postlude: Tim Guiles

Credits: Thanks to our worship associate Esther Thomas; guest pianist Tim Guiles for music; Julia Chant for helping with Mud Communion; Margy Young, Abi Sessions, Rich Wolfson and Richard Hopkins for technical support; our Flower Co-op for seasonal arrangements; all who helped set up, usher, and greet; Alan Moore and Mike Greenwood for overseeing safety, sound and coffee hour.

Thank you for joining us for worship!

Join Us for Our Social Hour

Join us during social hour immediately following the worship service. Those onsite can gather in Fellowship Hall and those online will gather on Zoom at about 11 am:

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