Round the Bend

Rev Barnaby led us in digging deep into everything we love about orbiting a star together. We paid tribute to solstice and our south-facing climate action wreath in front of the pulpit honoring the sun. See more about this Interfaith Climate Action Network (ICAN) celebratory project here. We collected for our staff bonus (our part time employees). We cancelled onsite attendance cancelled due to weather and COVID and invited everyone to attend online. Watch a recording of it here.

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement

Prelude: Ronnie Romano            

Welcome & Pathways:  Ellen Flight, Worship Associate

Call to Worship: Bell Hooks Interview (excerpt)   Ellen Flight

Chalice Lighting: Ellen Flight

by Sharon Wylie

This solstice season in honor of ancient traditions that celebrate this time of longest night, we observe that the flaming chalice holds the elements of the four directions: Earth, air, fire, water. The lamp oil for Earth. The air that feeds the flame. The fire we light

And the chalice itself, the cup, the symbol of water
We light our chalice and reflect on the light we need to guide us through hard times: the light of our shared faith, the light of loving community, the light of love, joy, and hope.

Time for All Ages:  Poppy Rees, Dir. of Religious Exploration

Offering: We’ll collect for our staff bonus (our part time employees). All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee.

Milestones & Passages:   Rev. Barnaby

Prayer/Meditation: Rev. Barnaby

Music: Ronnie Romano

Reading: The Art of Blessing the Day by Marge Piercy (excerpt) read by Ellen Flight

Sermon: Round the Bend  Rev. Barnaby

Music: Ronnie Romano

Benediction: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude: Ronnie Romano

Credits: Thanks to our worship associate Ellen Flight; Jordan and Margy Young, Sherman LaRose, Rich Wolfson and Steve Butterfield for technical support; and our Flower Co-op for holiday arrangements.

Thank you for joining us for worship!