One Year On

What we’ve loved, lost, and learned in the year of remote worship that began March 15, 2020. Led by Rev. Barnaby and featuring Vera Longtoe Sheehan, director of the Vermont Abenaki Artists Assn., and Karl Lindholm chatting with daughter Jane of Vermont Public Radio. Followed by a congregational conversation on our wishes for future worship as more of us are vaccinated.

Order of Service

Preservice slideshow re-run from our first remote service March 15, 2020 with Chuck Miller on piano

Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land   Liam Greenwood

Prelude: Ronnie Romano on piano

Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Becky Strum, Worship Associate

Call to Worship & Chalice Lighting: Becky Strum

Bound for Joy Canvass: Karl Lindholm, canvass chair, with his daughter Jane Lindholm of VPR. Pledges can be made online at

Time for All Ages: Poppy Rees, Dir. of Religious Exploration

Offering: Today’s offering will be for Vermont Abenaki Artists Association presented by Vera Longtoe Sheehan, dir. Contributions can be made at

Choir Anthem: Lucy Tenenbaum, dir. with CVUUS Choir singing Bound to Love by Amanda Udis Kessler ( permission is given for free use of this hymn).

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby. Future ones can be shared at

Reflection on the Year:  Ronnie Romano on piano with images from the past year

Reading: Pandemic by Lynn Ungar read by Becky Strum

Homily:   The Way We Were  Rev. Barnaby

Benediction: We Are One by Ysaye Barnwell from UUA General Assembly

Postlude: Ronnie Romano

Thanks to our “Stream Team” Margy Young and Rich Wolfson, our guests Vera Longtoe Sheehan and Jane Lindholm, our Choir for special music and Eric Maier for tech support, and Jordan Young for managing the zoom room.

Thank you for joining us for worship!