Finding Our Bearings

When we relocate, willingly or not, we often find ourselves freer to recenter our lives, whether we want to or not. Rev. Barnaby reflected on how our UU values can help us make good choices. Special testimonials from Laurie Borden on her family’s upcoming move to Montana and Dr. Morris Earle on Native American wisdom he absorbed working on a Navajo reservation.

Order of Service

Preservice & Prelude: Ronnie Romano

Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land   Julia Chant

Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Esther Thomas, Worship Associate

Call to Worship/ Chalice Lighting: Esther Thomas

Honoring the Children in Song: Let Us Open Our Eyes, Poppy & Milo Rees

Testimonial for All Ages:  Laurie Borden

Offering: Today’s offering will be Sandy Hook Promise. Contributions can be made at

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby. Future ones can be shared at


Music: Ronnie Romano with Laurie Borden and Wellspring Singers

Time of Sharing: The Navajo Way   Dr. Morris Earle

Reading: Esther Thomas

Sermon: Finding Our Bearings  Rev. Barnaby

Music:  Enter, Rejoice & Come In #361   Ronnie Romano

Benediction: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude:  Ronnie Romano

Thanks to Laurie Borden and Morris Earle for their special testimonies, our “Stream Team” Margy Young and Rich Wolfson, Wellspring Singers for special music, and Abi Sessions for managing the zoom room.

Thank you for joining us for worship!