Justice, Compassion, Beauty–the Three Sisters of Love

UU’s are deeply engaged in justice struggles, which is one reason we mourned the passing this year of Cong. John Lewis. But what it you are too shy, quiet, sick, or exhausted to look for “good trouble” as he advised? Rev. Barnaby reflected on other paths to embodying Love.

Order of Service

Preservice: Chuck Miller accompanied by autumn images

Bell: Recognition of Abenaki Land   Julia Chant

Prelude: Chuck Miller accompanied by justice, compassion, beauty images

Call to Worship/ Pathways to Connection: Jason Duquette-Hoffman, Worship Associate

Chalice Lighting: Jason Duquette-Hoffman

Time for All Ages: Poppy Rees

Music: Shine on Me led by Melanie DeMore

Offering: Today’s offering will be shared with Vermont Foodbank. Contributions can be made at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Milestones & Passages: Rev. Barnaby Feder. Future ones can be shared at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/form/YellowCard

Prayer & Meditation  Autumn Prayer by Jess Reynolds

Reading: Mother Pollard excerpt from MLK’s The Strength of Love read by Jason Duquette-Hoffman

Sermon: The Three Good Trouble Sisters  Rev. Barnaby

Music: Chuck Miller

Benediction: Rev. Barnaby

Postlude: Chuck Miller

Thanks to our “Stream Team” Margy Young and Richard Hopkins and Lucy Tenenbaum for leading zoom coffee hour and compiling images and videos to accompany our music.