Easter: Make of Yourself a Light

With Rev. Johanna Nichols, CVUUS Minister Emerita, now active in Montpelier where she lives, along with our Choir and special musical guests Jonathan March on drums and Bess Gramling on alto sax and clarinet. Watch a recording of it here:

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement 

Welcome and Pathways to Connection: Martha Fulda

Canvass Update: Hannah Sessions

Prelude: Ronnie Romano, Music Dir.

Call to Worship: The Bright Thread of Hope (by Gretchen Haley)  Martha Fulda

Chalice Lighting: Martha Fulda

We gather this hour as people of faith.

With joys and sorrows, gifts and needs

We light this beacon of hope

sign of our quest for truth and meaning,

in celebration of the life we share together.

Hymn: O Life that Maketh All Things New (Gray #12)  CVUUS Choir

Time for All Ages: Poppy Rees, Dir. of Religious Exploration

Offering:  We’ll share our collection today and this month with Living Lands and Waters . All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Offering Music:  Ronnie Romano

Receiving the Offering From You I Receive (Gray #402)

Milestones & Passages:  Martha Fulda

Prayer/Meditation The Buddha’s Last Instruction (by Mary Oliver)  Martha Fulda & Rev. Johanna Nichols

Anthem:  Be a Lamp Unto Yourself  CVUUS Choir

Sermon: Make of Yourself a Light   Rev. Johanna Nichols

Hymn:  Now Let Us Sing (Gray #368)  CVUUS Choir

Benediction:  Rev. Johanna Nichols

Postlude:  I Know I Can Go On     Ronnie Romano with Jonathan March (drums) and Bess Gramling (sax/clarinet)

Credits: Thanks to Rev. Johanna Nichols for leading worship; our choir and special musical guests; Abi Sessions, Rich Wolfson, Richard Hopkins, Steve Butterfield, and others for technical support; our Flower Co-op for seasonal arrangements; all who helped Mike Greenwood and Alan Moore set up, usher, greet, oversee safety, sound and coffee hour.

Thank you for joining us for worship!