Beloved Community

ON SITE & ZOOM. MLK’s dream for us has Christian roots and a growing appeal in UU World, as evidenced by its central position in the proposed 8th Principle. But how is it defined and why are some UU’s afraid that it is a code word for de-emphasizing our commitment to personal freedom of belief? Led by Rev. Barnaby. Followed by social hour in the Ann Ross Fellowship Hall.

See service details: OOS Jan 15, 2023

See video of the service here:

Congregation Conversation:  Spirit in Nature (SPiN) Sun. Jan 15: Located in Ripton, SPiN offers the visitor over a dozen meditative paths, a labyrinth, and a gathering area nested into the Green Mountains.  One of the first paths a visitor encounters is the Unitarian Universalist Path.  Only .25 miles in length, it offers the visitor 9 quotes to reflect on.  Some of the quotes are from Unitarian Universalists, others are not. We have an opportunity to recommend to the SpiN Board as many replacement quotes as we would like.  Which quote would you want posted to reflect who we are? Grab a beverage and meet us in the Blue Room, 11:30 am for the discussion.