Abstraction and Spirituality

We wrapped up our Spirituality and the Arts summer worship services with Haitian artist Sophia Domeville as our featured speaker accompanied by Esther Thomas. Our special “5th Sunday” donee was Fonkoze, which is made up of three organizations that work together to help rural Haitians — primarily women — receive financial services like micro-loans and non-financial services in the form of education, healthcare and other support to lift their families out of poverty.  Watch the recording of the service on You Tube https://youtu.be/gI3aEmsAIuQ

Order of Service

Prelude: Ronnie Romano, Music Dir.

Bell: Land Acknowledgement

Welcome & Pathways to Connection: Esther Thomas, Worship Associate

Call to Worship & Chalice Lighting:  Esther Thomas

Time for All Ages: Poppy Rees, Religious Exploration Dir.

Offering:  Our special “5th Sunday” donee will be Fonkoze, which is made up of three organizations that work together to help rural Haitians — primarily women — receive financial services like micro-loans and non-financial services in the form of education, healthcare and other support to lift their families out of poverty. Contributions can be made at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/give/online.

Milestones & Passages: Esther Thomas. Future ones can be shared at https://cvuus.breezechms.com/form/YellowCard

Prayer & Meditation

Music: Daoona Nayeesh   Ronnie Romano

Reading: Dreams by Nikki Giovanni read by Esther Thomas

Conversation: Esther Thomas and Sophia Domeville

Music: Ronnie Romano

Benediction & Extinguishing the Chalice:  Esther Thomas

Postlude: Ronnie Romano

Credits:  Thanks to Esther Thomas as worship associate, Sophia Domeville as our guest speaker, Richard Hopkins and Rich Wolfson for technical support, Marnie Wood for flowers, and Neil Chippendale for hosting zoom.


