This — Or Something Greater: An Exploration of Disappointment and Imagination

ZOOM ONLY. Christal returned to our pulpit. We collected for Rokeby Museum (off RT 7 in Ferrisburgh) as our special 5th Sunday donee. From 1793 to 1961, Rokeby was home to four generations of Robinsons — a remarkable family of Quakers, farmers, abolitionists, artists, and authors. Today, the Robinson family’s home is a National Historic Landmark, designated for its exceptional Underground Railroad history. Our service is followed by CVUUS Zoom Social Hour. Watch a recording of the service here.

About Christal Brown: choreographer, educator, performer, writer and activist    A native of  Kinston, NC, Christal received her BFA in dance and  minor in  business from the University of NC at Greensboro. Upon graduation, she went on to tour nationally with Chuck Davis’  African-American Dance Ensemble and internationally with Andrea E. Woods/Souloworks. She’s performed and apprenticed with many.

Christal is the Founding Artistic Director of INSPIRIT, a performance ensemble and educational conglomerate dedicated to bringing female choreographers together to collaborate and show new work, expanding the views of women of all ages, and being a constant source of inspiration to its audience as well as members. Combining her athleticism, creativity, love for people, and knack for teaching, she continues to teach and create works that redefine the art of dance and the structure of the field. More here. See this video of Christal where she describes her life and art:

Order of Service

Bell: Land Acknowledgement

Prelude:  Ronnie Romano, Director of Music

Welcome:  Karl Lindholm, Worship Associate

Call to Worship: Karl Lindholm

Chalice Lighting: Life’s Sacred Dance  Karl Lindholm

We light this chalice in honor of Life’s sacred dance of living and dying.

May its flame remind us of those who have passed to us fragments of holiness.

May it remind us that we too are participants in the dance.

Joanne Giannino (inspired by Wendell Berry and Sara Moores Campbell)

Time for All Ages: The Power of Imagination  Christal Brown

Offering:  We’ll collect for Rokeby Museum. All cash and checks not otherwise specified will be split between CVUUS and our donee. You can give online at

Milestones & Passages: Karl Lindholm

Prayer/MeditationKarl Lindholm

Music:  Jireh  Ronnie Romano

Reading: Reversals of Fortune by Theresa I Soto    Poppy Rees, Dir. of Religious Exploration

Dance:  I’m Fine  Christal Brown

Sermon: This — Or Something Greater: An Exploration of Disappointment and Imagination  Christal Brown

Hymn: Turn the World Around (#1074)  Ronnie Romano

Benediction: Christal Brown

Postlude:   Ronnie Romano

Credits: Thanks to our worship associate Karl Lindholm and Margy Jordan, Richard Hopkins and Abi Sessions for technical support.

Thank you for joining us for worship!