Full Long Moon Storytelling Service

First 30 minutes will be especially child friendly. Come in pajamas to hear stories and songs.

Access via Zoom at zoom.us/my/cvuusservice, or on YouTube at https://youtu.be/4ampKPH8JM0


The Longest Night can be the Turning Point

An Evening Story-telling Service with CVUUS

Led by Liam Battjes Greenwood, with Julia Chant as Worship Associate.

Pre-service Music With Images for the Longest Moon or Winter Solstice

Chime and Recognition of Land Winter setting and reading by Julia Chant

Prelude Chuck Miller, finale for 2020

Greeting and Welcome Julia Chant, worship associate

Chalice Lighting & Call to Worship Julia Chant, worship associate

Reading Big Moon by Joseph Bruchac, Liam Battjes

Opening Song  The Twelve Nights of Solstice  Live with various voices

Time for All Ages The Shortest Day by Susan Cooper, read by Julia Chant

Story of a Long Night Christmas Carol Rap C. Dickens adapted by L. Battjes

Christmas Carol “Good Rest, to You, Oh Gentle Ones”

Sung by Sydney Singh, played by Chuck Miller, adapted by L. Battjes

Good rest to you, oh Gentle Ones, when your hearts feel dismay,

Remember that the longest moon still greets the dawning day,

As Mother Earth spins thru the hours and holds you in her sway

     with tidings of comfort and joy.  Comfort and joy.  Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.


She comforts you with blankets of freshly fallen snow,

as Grandma Moon shines thru the clouds to show you where to go

to find a place of warmth and food that your heart can call home,

     with tidings of comfort and joy.  Comfort and joy.  Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.


   Now thru the frosted window pane shines gentle candlelight

to tell the weary traveler, alone in dark and ice,

   that we are here to welcome you with spirits of delight

and tidings of comfort and joy.  Comfort and joy.  Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.

Introducing the Offertory Julia Chant

Offertory Chuck Miller

SongThe Friendly Beasts — Joanna and Wynn Colwell

Milestones and Passages Muting Off and Open Sharing

What have been milestones and passages for you this year?

Meditation and In the Bleak Mid-Winter CVUUS choir

Poem  Advice Joseph Bruchac, Roots of Survival, read by Neil Chippendale

Sharing Zines of Transitions Liam Battjes-Greenwood and Ollie Cultrara

Keeping Warm in the Winter with Layers of Stories — L. Battjes

Reading A Christmas Memory  by Truman Capote, read by John Barstow

Poem Wandering Around an Albuquerque Terminal  by Naomi Shihab Nye, read by Joanna Colwell

Song Bridge Over Troubled Water Sydney Singh, Chuck Miller, Paul Simon 

Departing Blessing Spirit of Life  Liam Battjes