A Story of a Life: There Is a Power in Story-telling

Whose stories get told in our community? How do we listen to the narratives of others, and how are we moved? Tom Morgan will offer a reflection on these questions using stories you probably either haven’t heard, or maybe you were missing the rest of the story.  Assisted by Karl Lindholm. We’re exploring Soul Matter’s theme of invitation throughout worship, small group ministry and religious exploration and sharing our “5th Sunday” offering plate with Midd Pride toward CVUUS’ participation in Midd Pride Day on Sat. Oct 12. Social hour in Fellowship Hall included an ice cream social served by our kids. Followed by a congregational conversation in the sanctuary on Community Ministry: News, Projects, Partners, and Opportunities with Tom (here are the slides!) to hear what’s happening from a “trenches” view and discuss our faith in action.

See a recording here:
