DONATE TO HOPE Bring a non-perishable food for our sanctuary lobby food cart anytime. HOPE appreciates canned soups, veggies, jams and accepts many other non-expired items. They are running very short. Demand is skyrocketing. See their current needs here. Financial donations allow them to do bulk buying.
49th annual Addison County CROP Hunger Walk took place Sunday Oct 6. Thanks to Marnie Wood who was our team captain and walked along with Alan Moore, Carol Harden, Kimberli Gray, Claire Tessier, Steve Maier and Priscilla Bremser. CVUUS’ current total is $1,330 so close to our posted goal of $1,500 with some of these proceeds going to local food shelves like HOPE. Thank you!
DONATE TO ATRIA Bring personal care items to the lobby cart and put them in the box on the lower shelf marked for Atria Collective. These will be distributed to individuals suffering from gender-based violence.